Monday, October 14, 2013

2013 Fall Challenge! CrossFit Your Own Adventure: Meet Your 2013 Goal

The basics

This challenge (sign up here!) is all about the goals you've set for yourself. And if you've already met them, there's still two and a half months left in 2013, so pick a weakness or a personal challenge and go for it. If you wrote something on the white board back in January, you're already signed up!

The structure of the challenge is simple- for the next two months, there will be time set aside as part of the normal 60 minute classes to work on some of the more technique or skill-based drills that will help get you to your goal. These practice sessions will be 2-3 times a week, either a short session (5 min), or a longer session (10 min). Consistent work a few times a week will go a long way to getting you closer to your goals.

So what now? The challenge has five easy steps:

  1. Make a goal by this Friday (10/18)Sign up here or verify your goal to the list posted in the gym. If you're new or weren't a member at the beginning of the year, some sample goals are below
  2. Get your drills: A coach will email you suggestions on what to practice based on the goals you've set for yourself. Links to videos and articles will be included for reference. You may want to print out these suggestions and put them in your gym notebook or have them on your phone to look back to during the skill sessions.
  3. Show up: Practice makes perfect. The skill session days will rotate, but will usually be a Tuesday - Saturday class day
  4. Show off: There will be two chances to "prove" your goal has been met--once around Mid-November (week of 11/18) and once around mid-December (week of 12/9). If you achieve your goal in the November session, athletes will get honored with a named CFTC WOD. And if you meet your goal in December, look for a surprise at this year's holiday party.
  5. Sound off: Getting frustrated? Don't. Use the challenge as a chance to encourage others and make notes of the progress you've made even on the way to your goal. Remember the days of the black or blue band? You'll get rid of the red band if you keep working at it. Educate yourself, try tweaking your nutrition or just trying something new. We're here to improve ourselves, but also to have fun.

Good luck!

A sample goal and drills

For example, if your 2013 goal was: 20 unbroken double-unders and 5 strict pull-ups, you'll be emailed a training program that looks something like this:

  • Day 1 Practice (5 min): 3 rounds of 10 x 2 single-unders, then 1 power jump. 3 x 15 jumping pull-ups
  • Day 2 Practice (10 min): 2 rounds of 30 sec rope wrist speed drills (2 ropes), assisted pull-up ladder 1-2-3-4-5
  • Day 3 Practice (5 min): 2 min tabata double-under attempts, 2 min tabata pull-up attempt
Some sample goals:
  • Agility/coordination goal: 25 unbroken double-unders, kipping pull-up
  • Strength goal: Body weight  back squat, bench press, deadlift, clean & jerk, snatch, etc.
  • Strength goal: 2 x Body weight back squat, bench press, deadlift, clean & jerk, snatch, etc.
  • Endurance goal: Timed mile run PR, Timed 400m run PR, Timed 2K or 1K row PR, 
  • Balance/Power goal: Strict gymnastics movement (push-up, pull-up, ring dip, toes to bar, muscle-up, handstand push-up, etc.)
  • General goal: Percentage fat loss, named WOD PR
  • Flexibility goal: Double kettlebell overhead squat, pistols

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