Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday WOD

Team WOD!

Barbells & Burpees

Teams of 3 work to complete the following, dividing reps in any way. One athlete works at a time:
100 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65)*
80 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)*
60 Front Squats (135/95)
40 Push Jerk (135/95)
20 Thrusters (135/95)

At the top of every minute, stop where you are and all three athletes complete burpees as described below:

0:00 - 10:00 - 5 burpees
10:00 - 15:00 - 4 burpees
15:00 - end - 3 burpees

*Scale weights according to ability so that form is maintained throughout

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