Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday WOD

Partner WOD (1 guy/1 girl)

1. row 500m
2. 12 dead hang pullups
3. 50 KB swings (53#/35#)
4. 15 lateral burpees

WOD B (done with 45# bar)
1. lunges
2. jumping squats/squats
3. floor wipers
4. shoulder press/push press

1 round =
1.  partner 1 rows while partner 2 does lunges, then switch
2.  partner 1 does pullups while partner 2 does squats, then switch
continue for exercises 3 and 4

repeat for total of 2 rounds.  once workout starts, each partner pair cannot put bar down until 2 rounds are complete. 

1 comment:

nholst said...

With FriRay workouts, as in life, choose your partner carefully.